Merch Tables to Grow Your Ministry
Your merch table has nothing to do with selling out.
It has EVERYTHING to do with ministry.
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You became a Christian musician because you wanted to use your music to bring people closer to Jesus.
So, at first glance, it may seem that sitting behind a table, hawking merchandise, isn't part of the plan. In fact, it might even feel like you're selling out.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
Your merch table is the ideal place to connect with fans.
You want to connect with real people, encourage them by sharing the story of what God has done in your life. And you want to hear their stories.
And the merch itself? It helps fans remember your story, and then use it to start Godly conversations with friends, family, and co-workers.
Bottom line, merch is a ministry tool, a tangible reminder of God's work.
Merch means your ministry doesn't end when you leave the venue. Merch is a reminder that keeps your fans focused on what God is doing, long after you've loaded up the van and headed down the highway.
But this happens only if you do your merch table right - and that's why you need this course.
In just five easy sessions, you'll discover how to transform your merch table from an awkward sales failure to an extremely effective ministry tool. Here's what you'll learn:
Session One: Buy the Right Merchandise
What is the 'right' merchandise? Merchandise your fans are excited to buy.
In this session, you'll discover design tips and I'll show you how to get the most for every dollar you spend on t-shirts, music, buttons, and stickers. You'll learn now to surprise fans with merch they can't get anywhere else. Choose the right merch. Buy at the right time. Pay the best price. Get maximum impact.
There are links to my favorite suppliers -- and I'll even show you how to start with no money!
Session Two: Price for Profit
Fans want to support your ministry by buying merch, but they don't want to feel ripped off in the process.
So how do you know how much to charge? In this session, you'll learn my formulas and methods to get the correct prices. And you'll learn how to ramp up sales by selling in bulk and how to bundle your merch to sell out quickly; it'll feel like your drummer shifted the song to cut time.
Session Three: Create Displays that Get Attention
Boring doesn't sell, but fancy displays are expensive and don't raise the quality of your ministry.
You'll discover how to save your hard earned money by using an inexpensive, step-by-step plan for a merch table that spotlights your merchandise and grows along with your sales. Fans will be so curious that they won't be able to resist to walking across the room just to see what you're up to.
Session Four: Make Transactions Easy
What's the best way to create Superfans? Shower them with personal attention. However, you can't do that if you're trying to figure out how to sell something while you're talking to them.
This session offers you the nuts and bolts of making sales, processing money, and keeping records the "stupid- simple" way. I'll also show you how to transport your merch to make set up and tear down quick, setting you free to minister to fans.
Session Five: Advertise to Boost Sales
When the Guitar Center people open a new store, they pay attention to where they locate it. They tell everyone about the new store using e-mails, social media, and word of mouth. During their grand opening, they even have special contests and prizes.
You can, too.
This session covers the how-to's of making sure your fans know all the interesting details about your merch, so when they come to a show they're ready to buy. You'll learn where to put your table to be the most visible, what to say from stage to get fans to your table, and how to incorporate merch into social media without being salesy. Get it right, and fans will be repeating your ministry stories to everyone they know.
This course covers everything you need to know to make running your table easy, so you can focus on ministering to your fans.
Each session has 7-15 videos that are usually less than 10 minutes long. There are PDF project plans and forms, links to my favorite resources and suppliers, and a To-Do Checklist at the end of each session.
This course can help you make your merchandise table so interesting that fans can't help but stop and listen to your ministry stories.
Your Instructor
Christian musician, concert promoter, visual artist, band manager—you name it, I've probably done it. Then I wrote about what I learned in The Christian Band Handbook and The Christian Musicians Devotional. In addition to the variety of experience in Christian music, I hold a certificate in nonprofit business leadership and management from Michigan State University and the Society of Nonprofit Organizations. My husband Mark, a bass player and guitarist, has been a Christian musician for over 20 years.
Course Curriculum
StartSession One Introduction: Buy the Right Merchandise (8:47)
StartTip Jars (2:55)
StartBonus Video: How to Make a Tip Jar (4:50)
StartConsignment (4:54)
StartCreate Your Own Merchandise (6:39)
StartUnbranded Merchandise (3:26)
StartButtons (5:13)
StartStickers (3:07)
StartT-shirts (7:01)
StartMusic Lecture 1 (4:22)
StartMusic Lecture 2 (6:35)
StartMusic Lecture 3 (3:17)
StartPhotos (2:29)
StartPosters (4:21)
StartOther Branded Merchandise (3:39)
StartSession One Checklist