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Merch Tables to Grow Your Ministry
Devotion - Merchandise Reminders (2:25)
Welcome! (3:29)
Session One: Buy the Right Merchandise
Session One Introduction: Buy the Right Merchandise (8:47)
Tip Jars (2:55)
Bonus Video: How to Make a Tip Jar (4:50)
Consignment (4:54)
Create Your Own Merchandise (6:39)
Unbranded Merchandise (3:26)
Buttons (5:13)
Stickers (3:07)
T-shirts (7:01)
Music Lecture 1 (4:22)
Music Lecture 2 (6:35)
Music Lecture 3 (3:17)
Photos (2:29)
Posters (4:21)
Other Branded Merchandise (3:39)
Session One Checklist
Session Two: Price for Profit
Session Two Introduction: Price for Profit (1:31)
More Profit Per Unit (5:54)
Bulk Sales (7:56)
Bundling (7:29)
Special Sales (3:45)
Clearance (1:26)
Tax Deductions (2:44)
Session Two Checklist
Session Three: Create Displays that Get Attention
Session Three Introduction: Create Displays that Get Attention (3:07)
Tablecloth (4:39)
Price Signs (2:49)
Table (1:40)
Lighting (5:13)
Banner (4:11)
Backdrops (4:04)
Mannequins (2:11)
Session Three Checklist
Session Four: Make Transactions Easy
Session Four Introduction: Make Transactions Easy (2:20)
Cash Box (3:35)
Change (2:39)
Credit Cards (5:51)
Fold T-shirts (5:51)
Transportation (3:16)
Record Keeping (2:32)
Session Four Checklist
Session Five: Advertise to Boost Sales
Session Five Introduction: Advertising to Boost Sales (2:06)
Table Location (1:58)
Mailing List Sign Up (2:59)
QR Codes (5:50)
Advertising at Gigs (3:10)
Contests (2:33)
Social Media (3:00)
Session Five Checklist
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Closing (1:13)
Special Sales
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